Epic CEO Promises To Stop Exclusives If Steam Changes Revenue Split

Epic Store

I know what he’s doing, and it won’t work.

Epic Games’ CEO Tim Sweeney has been taking the opportunity to make some shots at current top PC game platform Steam. Primarily, they’ve been doing it with exclusives; ensuring some games have a period of exclusivity to the Epic Store. But recently, he tweeted out what would end the onslaught of Epic exclusives.

He goes on to explain the caveats to that offer. Namely, in regards to the fact that Steam’s functionality is why it takes more than 12%:

The thing with all of this is, Steam doesn’t seem to really, publicly, care about the exclusives. It’s more that users are genuinely peeved by being forced to add yet another storefront just to play games they’ve been waiting for. There’s also the fact that some of that Steam functionality that Epic Store lacks is, well, fairly useful stuff for both users and developers/publishers. Epic has no game forums, community features; hell, it doesn’t even have a basic review system.

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So, mostly, Sweeney is shooting the breeze with some “wouldn’t it be nice if?” tossed in. Mostly because it’s been pointed out that, at Epic’s vaunted 12%, Steam wouldn’t even be operating at any form of profit.

Source: PC Gamer

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