Emily Blunt joins the My Little Pony movie

Ye-haw! (sorry) Lionsgate and Hasbro have made the announcement that Emily Blunt (Sicario, Edge of Tomorrow) will be lending her voice to the upcoming My Little Pony film. Yes, the series has seen a number of movies, but these have all been straight to DVD. There is no word on who she will be playing in the film, but speculation is that it will be a new characters to the MLP franchise.

The upcoming film will place the focus on the “Mane 6” (ugh…) ponies of the land of Ponyville as they come together to face off against a new dark evil that has invaded the land. It’s pretty stock, but to the films credit, it’s the same concept for most big Marvel films too. The project is being directed by Jayson Theissen and is set to release November 3rd 2017.

My Little Pony Emily Blunt

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