Elizabeth Shaw Returns In This Short Film Prologue To Alien: Covenant

Alien: Covenant is just around the corner and the big question everyone has is just what the hell happened to Dr. Elizabeth Shaw after Prometheus?

Because today is Alien Day, Fox decided to surprise fans with another official Alien: Covenant prologue short titled ‘The Crossing’. The short stars the two Prometheus survivors David (Michael Fassbender) and Elizabeth Shaw (Noomi Rapace).

It’s quite short, but it fills in a lot of the gaps leading into Covenant. We find out how David is back up and running, as well as a little of what Shaw went through.

We also see that the pair may have managed to make it to the Engineer homeworld and that David may have launched the ships Alien weapons on them! Damn!

Alien Covenant scares its way into theaters on May 19.

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