eBlocker Introduces New Solution to Reclaim Internet Privacy


eBlocker, provider of hardware solutions to combat unauthorized third party data collection, today announced eBlocker Pro and eBlocker Family for consumers who want to regain control of their internet privacy. In a time when online privacy is all over the news, eBlocker looks to give users a little peace of mind when it come to their information on the web.

“The internet has evolved into mass surveillance, and most people have no idea how much data is collected without their knowledge and then used against them,” said Christian Bennefeld, founder, eBlocker. “User profiles employed by third parties can result in you paying more for goods, flights, hotels and can even influence insurance rates and home loans. We strongly believe that a user should know who is collecting this data, and be able to stop it if they desire.”


eBlocker Pro is a smart device that easily connects a home network, and doesn’t require any other software installations or user interaction. Just plug it in, and you’re protected. It also gives any device on that network the same cloaking ability by hiding your IP address. Once connected it stops all trackers, blocks all ads and lets you surf truly anonymously. It also prevents data collection from third parties without your permission, giving you control of your online identity.

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eBlocker Pro supports as many devices as are on the network and gives the same privacy protection for each of them. For users with shared devices such as a family tablet and possibly different privacy protection needs, eBlocker Family is directly suited for those needs. The family tablet’s privacy protection customization can mirror each profile for each user. Perhaps Dad wants certain sites whitelisted that mom would like to block on the same device. Now that’s possible, and an added layer of parental protection can be used with this kids.


Pricing and Availability

eBlocker Pro and eBlocker Family will be launching on Kickstarter on January 20th, 2016 $99 and $124 respectively with one year of updates included. There will also be a Kickstarter special for eBlocker Family Lifetime which includes lifetime updates for $299, which is $100 off MSRP. Additional information can be found at eblocker.com/en/kickstarter/.

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