Early Star Trek Timelines Footage Revealed

Star Trek Timelines

The team at Disruptor Beam debuted the first-ever demo of Star Trek Timelines in Boston at PAX East 2015. Many of you were not able to attend the event,
(us included) so Executive Producer Rich Gallup sits down to guide the the internet through the games demo in this video.

The game is still in Alpha form and is being shown off running on an iPad for this video, but still looks very nice. There are lots of RPG elements shown off that look pretty interesting and the game offers up a lot of replay value already from what little we have seen so far. It’s also great to see the game is a lot more than just the random space battle affair as most of the previous browser-based Star Trek game attempts have been. The RPG style is really giving Timelines a unique feel.

Things I learned from this video: Locutus of Borg is a terrible bartender.

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