Early Ghostbusters reviews flooded by male hate

Ghostbusters hate

It seems to be pretty clear that guys seem to really hate the new Ghostbusters reboot because… well, I don’t actually know why. Now I need to be clear that the film itself might not actually be that good, but as it hasn’t been released yet “reviewing” it would be a really shitty thing to do. But that hasn’t stopped male users taking to IMDB and giving it some really low ratings because busting the film makes them feel good.

At the time of this writing there are well over 5,000 reviews by users that have given the film, which I remind you they haven’t seen yet, a one-star review. I’m, looking forward to catching the film and even have my reservations on some of the things I’ve seen, but I’m not a big enough douche to give a bad rating to a film that isn’t out.

Some may be saying that all those crap user reviews are from men and women and while true, the overall demographics of those reviewers tell a pretty sad story. The breakdown shows that just over 6,000 men have reviewed the film with the average rounding out to a measly 3.5 out of 10. It should also be noted that women only 1000 woman have rated the film with an average score of 7.5 out of 10.

READ:  Ghostbusters

USA Today had an excellent breakdown of the demographics that state:

For males aged 18 to 29, the average rating is 3.6 out of 10. For females in the same age category, the average is 8.1 out of 10

The average rating from males under the age of 18 is 3.3 out of 10. Females: 7.2 out of 10

For males aged 30 to 44 the average rating is 3.5 out of 10. For females 30 to 44: 6.9 out of 10.

If you want to bash the film because it hurts your feelings that’s fine, but at least wait until it releases so you keep the illusion that this has nothing to do with the cast being women.


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