Eador, Masters of the Broken World is Free on Steam

Eador, Masters of the Broken World

Free is my favorite strategy.

Snowbird Games is giving away their Strategy game, Eador, Masters of the Broken World, for free. Their doing it in celebration of the game’s 5 year anniversary.

It’s a big day today. Our first game Eador. Masters of the Broken World, came out exactly 5 years ago. It was and it is a bit rough around the edges, but still, to this day we’re proud of what we’ve managed to achieve with such a small team.

Naturally, this anniversary calls for proper celebration. So starting today and until Sunday, the game is completely free and yours forever, if you just click ‘Install Game’ on Eador’s Steam page in time. Tell your friends, share the news! Nothing beats free, right? Be warned though, Eador is notorious for eating your time like no other game — in a good way!

All you need to do is log into Steam, got to the game’s page, and click install. And then it’s yours to keep! But keep in mind, you only have until Sunday to get it. So grab Eador, Masters of the Broken World while the grabbing is good.

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