EA wants to stream games to your Xbox One

Electronic Arts is currently beta-testing EA Access, a Netflix-style service that will allow you to stream games – well, EA games – directly to your Xbox One. It costs $4.99 a month, and it certainly has promise.

From EA’s webiste:

EA Access membership unlocks The Vault, a collection of EA’s biggest games on Xbox One ready for you to download and play.  During the beta, gamers will have unlimited access to four great EA games: FIFA 14Madden NFL 25Peggle2 and Battlefield 4, with more titles being added soon. That’s over $100 worth of games for $4.99 a month. You can play these EA favorites as much as you want with the click of a button.


I don’t even know what the fuck Peggle 2 is. Since EA traffics mainly in sports games, it doesn’t sound like I’m the target demographic for Access, but this tidbit really intrigued me:

Membership in EA Access lets you experience trials of new EA games up to five days before the release date[.] It starts with Madden NFL 15NHL 15FIFA 15, NBA LIVE 15, and Dragon Age: Inquisition, but more are on the way. If you decide to buy the game, your progress will carry over so you can pick up right where you left off.

That’s pretty cool. I assume it’ll take the best wi-fi in the world to successfully stream a whole game to your console, but if EA is known for one thing, it’s looking out for EA, so I can’t imagine they’d jump into this unprepared. We’ll keep you up to date on this as we learn more.

READ:  Xbox One Will Launch Twitch Streaming March 11

Thanks to Uproxx for the heads up.


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