EA Sports UFC 4 Rolls In In-Game Ads One Month After Release

EA Sports UFC 4

Oh, EA, will you ever stop being scummy?

EA did it again! They managed to evoke “…and nobody liked that” in one of their sports games. In this case, EA Sports UFC 4. How, you ask? By waiting just long enough to add in-game ads so that no reviews would even mention their having done so; roughly 4 weeks after launch.

Per a Reddit thread started by user Ydino, the ads were for Amazon’s The Boys. Complete with ring decked out in the show’s logo, and cuts to an ad during replays, in addition to the logo being above the in-game clock. And, as Ydino notes, this is a game you’re paying $60 for, not some free-to-play game supported by ads. EA is deliberately double-dipping on this.

While the game did feature ads in the octagon at launch, it didn’t feature the full-screen cutaway ads. Also, as usual, the game features EA’s tried-and-true microtransactions in the form of UFC points.

Remind me why people keep buying EA games?

Source: IGN

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