E3 2019: Zombie Army: Dead War 4

Zombie Army: Dead War 4

Exploding heads never felt so good.

The GAMbIT team got to get some hands on time with an alpha build of Rebellion’s Zombie Army: Dead War 4. And we had a hell of a time with it, too.

While you’re probably thinking that zombies are a little played out (and you wouldn’t be wrong for thinking that, per se), the game has a really good feel to it. Yeah, they’re shambling undead Nazis, but they can still be a threat. Especially if you’re out of ammo and you’re surrounded. That said, your first move should be to find out where to pick up more, since each ammo spot will provide an endless supply of its type.

While the particulars of each character are tailored to their type, in the demo, each of them have a rifle (primary), a submachine gun (secondary) and sidearm (a pistol, generally). treating your submachine gun like you might in other games will lead you to an early grave. It’s your problem solver; you break it out when you’re surrounded. Your rifle and pistol let you pick off enemies as they come to you.

And while the zombies aren’t much of a threat on their own, in numbers, they’re dangerous. Which is why playing with a team is great; team members can revive each other if they’re downed. Melee was the odd man out to it all; while stomping zombies that had been kneecapped felt good, the special melee (in my case, an electrifying punch) felt a bit off. Then again, it’s early times for the game, and the shooting feels pretty damn good.

The demo caps off with a special zombie type rigged with explosives and just waiting to ram into you. They’re prime rifle bait, though, since popping one of them will usually take out a group of zombies around them.

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Sadly, the demo ended just after that fight. Which was a shame, since we were all getting into it. So we’d argue that Zombie Army: Dead War 4 is one to keep an eye on.

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