E3 2017: Destiny 2 Hands-On Impressions

First off, my Destiny 2 experience started by fisting Community Manager, Deej. Second, this game is fucking beautiful. Third, I only got to play one Player vs Player match. Countdown is the new 4v4 attack and defend bomb-planting mode, akin to Counter-Strike or CoD’s Demolition.

It was, as the kids say, “sweaty as balls.” The time to kill was much higher than Destiny 1; now closer to Halo than Call of Duty. This means consistent accuracy and teamwork are even more important this time around.

Warhammer much?

The grenade, melee and super ability cooldowns felt much longer as well; putting even more emphasis on gunskill, and less on sticky grenades that seek and also kill in one shot. All these changes are making the PvP community very happy, myself included.

There were some real shitty reveals too. There’s no rumble (free-for-all), no big team games (all 4v4) and instead of expanding the very limited custom matches that took WAY too long to implement, we’re losing it all together. I’m scratching my head so hard, I think I have a second bald spot.

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