DrDisrespect’s Got Some Unusual Rules For Twitch Streamers In Regards To His Fortnite Tournament


You can probably guess what brought them about.

While the mystery behind DrDisrespect’s 2020 Twitch ban, as well as the lawsuit, remains unanswered for the public at large. But hey, he’s put on a Fortnite tournament so all’s we-

Hot Shot Duo Drop, the tournament he’s hosted, featured some rules for anyone streaming the match on Twitch, of which there are many.

It is prohibited to use your channel to knowingly feature or advertise a suspended user. We understand that there may be instances where suspended users may appear on your stream due to circumstances beyond your control, such as through third-party gaming tournaments, but we expect that you make a good faith effort to remove them from your broadcast, mute them, or otherwise limit their interactions with your stream.

Those “rules” posted by tournament organiser BoomTV, such as they are, include:

  • Use “Hot Shot Duo Drop featuring Fortnite” to refer to the event.
  • Use other names for DrDisrespect, example the “two-time”, “Blockbuster video game champion.”
  • Hide images, videos and streams of DrDisrespect from your stream.
  • Mute DrDisrespect in game.
  • Be mindful of showing the tournament / bracket page on stream.
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They all seem strange, but it’s important to note that Twitch has been unusually strict about this in the past. One notable example included Chess Grandmaster and five-time US champion Hikaru Nakamura, who made the mistake of streaming himself watching he-who-shall-not-be-respected playing chess. If only DrDisrespect had simply yeeted his cat, all would be well.

Source: PC Gamer

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