‘Dragon Quest Heroes II’ offers up a demo tpday

Starting today, players can take on the hero’s mantle and help restore peace to the Seven Realms in the new DRAGON QUEST HEROES II demo, available today over on the PlayStation Store (http://sqex.to/DQH2Demo).

The demo gives players an early chance to play as four of the 15 playable heroes from the full game’s story mode, including series newcomers Lazarel and Teresa, along with fan favorites Carver (DRAGON QUEST VI) and Maribel (DRAGON QUEST VII).

Players will experience the game’s fast-paced battle system, expansive environments and abundant treasures through specially-designed quests where they must defend Greena Pastures from hordes of monsters and a colossal boss.

DRAGON QUEST HEROES II is releasing for the PS4 and STEAM on April 25th. Players who pre-order the Day One Explorer’s Edition will receive 15 in-game bonus weapons, and those who preorder through the PlayStation Store will receive exclusive items including a PS4 theme, DRAGON QUEST 1 Hero Costume and a special “Healix the Hero” recipe for DRAGON QUEST

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