Double Dragon IV takes you back to the past today on PS4 and PC

Bimmy, err, Billy and Jimmy Lee are back! 

Arc System Works have finnaly dropped on the world Double Dragon IV on PSN for the PS4 and on PC via Steam . Key team members involved in the 1987 arcade version including Original Planner, Yoshihisa Kishimoto, Designer, Koji Ogata, and Composer, Kazunaka Yamane, have teamed up to recreate the next chapter in the Double Dragon saga.

Now, I’m not great with numbers, but I’m pretty sure there was a game called Double Dragon V on the SNES based on that cartoon series. And I;m not sure if there was even a IV before that after the crap that was III. I Don’t know what’s real anymore!

Anywho, Billy and Jimmy Lee are back and they’ve brought the 80’s with them except the battlefield has moved to Japan. You can snag the game for $6.99 and the game supports two-players for that classic fun.

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