Divinity III: Shadowman & The Battle of New Stalingrad #1 – Review

I used to be one of those people who thought gory, graphical content that featured lot of blood was used for the sole purpose of covering up the lack of a plot. I also figured it was there to make people overlook the holes in a story, but thanks to Divinity III: Shadowman & The Battle of New Stalingrad #1, I’ve discovered that I was totally off base!


The book is simple yet very active. We find a real hero that is tortured by his own powers and the way they affect him. This isn’t your father’s old, sad super hero, but a man that feels way way more “real” thaan most. I think we all can identify with this one in some form, his feelings, fears, nightmares and desires. Maybe even relate to a few of those points.

You will also want to know that, although this story is located in an alternative and obviously fictional future, it is based on how things could be on this planet if people were completely honest in their plans and ideas. For Divinity III: Shadowman & The Battle of New Stalingrad #1, we have explicit names, not direct references or characters based on real people.

To say that this comic was addictive is not enough, as it almost grabed me by the neck and told me “You better read me!” Does it sound too overdramatic of me to phrase it like that? Well, it’s just a fancy and theatrical way of telling you that there’s no way to stop once you’ve started reading it.

The art is explicit, graphic and just as uncensored as the plot. It’s not intended for young readers, so make sure to keep it away from the little ones, but for those wanting something intense, this book is for you. This is a full-octane ride from begining to end on all fronts.

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Just as with Ninjak #24 issue, the art match the pace, giving it a faster, wilder, stronger and alltogether heavier rhythm. It’s hard to swallow at times, but still enjoyable and an intense experience for sure. The book manages to combine solid story telling with the finest of adult content.

What amazed me most about Divinity III: Shadowman & The Battle of New Stalingrad #1, was the skill with the lettering. Let’s face it: when you see art so detailed, with lot of care put into it, it’s sometimes a shame, to put a word balloon that covers part of it up. This book manges to to make it all work and it never feels in the way, while still giving us enough plot.

This book is a gem that is still waiting to show us the very best it has to offer. Divinity III: Shadowman & The Battle of New Stalingrad #1 is not only a great first issue, but it’s a darn near perfect issue on its own.

“This is a full-octane ride from begining to end on all fronts”

Final Score:

Publisher: Valiant
Written by: Scott Wilson
Art by: Robert Gill
Page Count: 33 Pages
Release Date: February 8 2017

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