Disney’s Legal Terms For Star Wars Day Hashtag Piss Off Fans

Star Wars

Are you really surprised anymore?

So Star Wars Episode IX is hitting Disney+ this May 4th. Which just so happens to be Star Wars Day. And in celebration of that, Disney asked fans to share their Star Wars memories alongside the hashtag #MayThe4th. Seems normal enough, right?

At least it was, until they tweeted this out:

Which, predictably, earned them immediate derision. And so, for your perusal, some of my favorite responses:

Oh, hey, look: another sci-fi franchise ruined by J.J. and friends.

…and so on and so on. To be fair to Disney+, they did clarify that the massively restrictive legal document they linked to only applied to hashtagged tweets in the thread related to the first tweet asking for Star Wars memories.

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Of course that took them a good five hours. And in that amount of time, they were sent a number of tweets much like this one:


Ahhh, classic internet move, there. Hilarious.

Source: ComicBook.com

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