Disney Yanking Their Movies from Netflix; Starting their Own Streaming Service

Disney Streaming Service

Yeah, well, I’m gonna go build my own streaming service, with blackjack, and hookers. In fact, forget the service.

Have you ever caught yourself thinking, “I sure do wish fewer things I like were in one place, that way I could pay for a shitload of separate streaming services”. Well, pretty much every major studio thinks you have, and Disney is no different. Now, if you want to see their new stuff, you’re going to have to pay for their service.

The deal doesn’t go into effect until 2019, though. Moreover, Disney CEO Bob Iger has specified that this currently only applies to Disney and Pixar movies proper. Both Marvel and Lucasfilm properties will likely stay on Netflix… for now. That includes the current crop of Marvel shows airing on Netflix, too. That said, there are also plans for original television content on Disney’s platform, so after 2019, it’s all in the air.

With that all said, it’ll probably be more cost effective for end-users to just buy what they want on optical or digital media rather than pay several hundred dollars a year in subscription for all of these new, individual platforms. Hell, you can probably get most of it with a good cable company, sans the original content, supplementing what you don’t get with home video releases. I seriously can’t figure out why each of these companies seem to think they need a dedicated streaming service. At this point, they’re just doing more harm to their brands than anything else.

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