Disney Reviving Lucasfilm Games Brand

Lucasfilm Games

How appropriate! You fight like a cow!

It seems Disney plans on resurrecting Lucasfilm Games in the wake of, uh, EA’s whatever they’ve been doing with the Star Wars license. A number of job listings have been posted directly mentioning the long-defunct brand name. most involve overseeing the development of games related t Lucasfilm’s IP; Star Wars, possibly Indiana Jones, and who knows what else (uh, Willow, maybe?). And the products mentioned seem to run from PC/console games to AR/VR experiences.

As for why they’re using the Lucasfilm Games brand over, say, LucasArts? Well, technically, Lucasarts never actually went away. Disney kept it on as a licensor back when they acquired Lucasfilm. So it’s likely a move to keep things distinct.

As for why they’re doing it, though? I’m guessing the mouse took notice that everybody laughed when Bob Iger said that they were happy with EA’s work. Regardless, even if they do set the studio up super quickly, game development does take time. And their exclusive licensing agreement with EA lasts until 2023, which ought to be enough time for the publishing giant to crank out one or two more games for the license in between the corpse-piles of canceled Star Wars games.

Source: Engadget

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