Disney Plans To Bring Some Of Marvel’s Mightiest To The Small Screen


No Hostess Fruit Pies to be seen.

Disney’s rolling for broke on their streaming service. Because, in addition to the Star Wars shows and shows based on assorted successful properties, they’re making the final, obvious leap. They plan on making shows focused on specific characters from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. And among them, potential plans for shows based on Loki and Scarlet Witch.

The kicker? They plan on having the actors behind the character’s film roles reprise them for the shows. Needless to say, the budget is probably pretty high up there. The runs are rumored to be about 6 to 8 episodes, each. Moreover, they’ll be produced by Marvel Studios, with Kevin Feige taking an active role with the lot.

It all makes sense, though, because Disney is fighting an uphill battle with this platform. The likes of Netflix and Amazon currently rule the streaming roost. They’re going to have to push hard to make a dent in the market.

Source: Variety

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