Disney Confirms Beyoncé Cast as Nala in Live Action Lion King Remake

Lion King

Prepare for the Lion King Original the Character-pocalypse.

Look, I’m not a huge fan of the weapons grade intertextuality Disney uses for these live action remakes. But, whether I like them or not, they’re happening, and people like them. And some of those people surely like Beyoncé, who has been cast as Nala in the film.

Lion King

Disney officially confirmed the final piece in the casting puzzle via their Twitter. And, while I personally feel that remaking the Lion King is kind of pointless, in the same way as remaking any of these movies literally prints money for them and that’s all, there’s some good news. They did have the good sense to realize that they’d never get a better Mufasa than the original: James Earl Jones.

Also, does the Lion King remake really count as Live-Action if almost every character is going to be CG anyway? I’m honestly wondering now.

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