Discord Rolls Out New Feature To Quietly Deal With Annoying & Toxic Users

Blue Discord logo centered on a dark patterned background featuring various geometric shapes.

Discord is rolling out a new, low-key way to handle annoying or toxic users without the drama of a full-on block. The company has launched the Ignore feature—a subtler alternative that lets you mute someone without them ever knowing. It’s designed to help you avoid unnecessary confrontations or awkward flare-ups while keeping your experience on the platform more peaceful. Prepare for exes all over the world to be quietly silenced without having to deal with an awkward message on another platform asking if you blocked them.

To use the Ignore feature, simply head to the user’s profile, click the triple-dot menu, and select Ignore. Once activated, their messages and profile will disappear from your view, and their activity and notifications will be muted across all of Discord, including message alerts in servers that you might share. Unlike blocking, Ignore lets the other person continue seeing your profile and activity, and they can still send you messages—you just won’t see them unless you choose to unhide them. Best of all, they’ll have no idea you’ve ignored them, keeping things smooth and drama-free.

Discord says the Ignore feature will offer users—particularly teens—a more discreet way to create distance from others without escalating tensions or making situations uncomfortable. The feature is designed to help users quietly mute or hide interactions with problematic individuals, reducing anxiety and avoiding potential conflicts.

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