Didn’t think Final Fantasy 13 was tedious enough Final Fantasy 15 adds sit in car and do nothing mode

FF15 car

If there is one thing the Final Fantasy series has been really good at its padding the fuck all out of the story. While western developed games have been crafting better stories in more digestible chunks, Japan loves to have games that clock in at 100 plus hours, most of which involves just waiting around. Still, for how much of a hallway Final Fantasy 13 was –I won’t even dive into the idiotic story here– I had hope that Final Fantasy 15 would give us something different.

Instead they give us a driving feature to arbitrarily pad out the game’s story. But wait, if you wanted to do even less than you already do you can be a passenger in the car and just take in the sights! Thank the heavens I spent all that money to be part of the future!

Check out the video of this truly next generation feature below:

Okay, so I’m poking some fun at Final Fantasy 15, but can you really blame me after slogging through the crap that was 13?

Image Credit: Tim Buckley ( Ctrl+Alt+Delete )

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