Did trying to keep NetDevil’s MMO Lego Universe dong free kill the game?

LEGO Universe

Men are interesting beasts. When you give most any of us something to draw with (be it pen & paper, or tablet like device) you can make a pretty safe bet that we will draw a massive wang. Who knows why this is, –I’m no psychologist– but it sort of just happens. So when you try to create a game that is all about creation, protecting from the prodigious protrusion is always a concern. If you don’t believe me just load up any Let’s Play series on Mincraft, or any similar game, and be ready to see wieners wall-to-wall at some point.

So when NetDevil got to making the now shuttered MMO LEGO Universe they faced an uphill battle. I have a sort of tangential connection with LEGO Universe in one of those “family of a friend” kind of situations, so I may have to do some more digging into this. Still, it should be noted that LEGO Universe did not contain and dongs within it. That isn’t the issue here. Thee issue is just how much it cost and the loads of work involved with making it so.

Exquisite Tweets has collected a series of tweets from former LEGO Universe’s Senior Graphics Designer, Megan Fox about how this whole dong detection fiasco went down.

Via: (VG24/7)

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About Author

J. Luis

J. Luis is the current Editor-In-Chief here at GAMbIT. With a background in investigative journalism his work encompasses the pop-culture spectrum here, but he also works in the political spectrum for other organizations.

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