Devolver Digital throws massive weekend sale on Steam

Devolver Digital

It’s Friday and for many of us that means it’s our main chance to kick back and get some much-needed gaming time in. If you are a PC gamer like myself, Steam and Devolver Digital have you covered with their huge weekend sale. Now is the perfect time if you missed out the first time around on some excellent titles like:

The TALOS Principle – $13.59

Shadow Warrior – $3.99

Hotline Miami – $13.39

OlliOlli – $3.24

Hatoful Boyfriend – $2.49

But don’t think this is just PC games, as Devolver Digital is also offering up a number of movies during this weekend sale as well. I’ve never purchased a film through Steam, but I may bite the bullet as the prices are pretty good. I guess I can finally get to The Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie at the very least.

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