Deus Ex team poke fun at Black Ops 3 teaser

Deus Ex Black Ops

Did you happen to catch the Call of Duty Black Ops 3 “Ember” teaser trailer that dropped a few days back? Well, the dev team responsible for Deus Ex: Mankind Divided sure did! For those of you not in the know, the Deus Ex series has been doing what the new Black Ops 3 game is trying to do for many, many years now.

Sure, it isn’t the first video game series to do this, but that isn’t stopping them from poking fun at the team over at Treyarch for “borrowing” the same elements of their series. The Deus Ex Twitter account (and some of the developers personal accounts) is rife with little jabs, and a meme or two, that call out the new Call of Duty. Even our plucky hero, Adam Jensen jumps into the fray.

Check out a few of the tweets below:

Look for that Call of Duty inspired timeline shift in the new Deus Ex!

It’s all fun and games around here as I am a fan of both series -Deus Ex a great deal more so that CoD. Still, it’s fun to see developers poke a little harmless fun at each other sometimes. No response yet from Treyarch or the CoD people, but time will tell.

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Remember, they never asked for this!

Via: (VG24/7)

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