Deep Silver Release Classical Music Tribute to the Original Dead Island Reveal Trailer

Dead Island

Just this week some of the contributors here at the site finished going back and replaying Dead Island in co-op. It was a fun experience. especially with some friends, but the game was mediocre at best. Yes, it was loads of fun, but as the game progressed you could really see the limitations on the basic combat systems at play. That being said most, if not all of these issues were fixed in Dying Light, so props to Techland for improving!

We played through the game because of the re-release of the Dead Island Definitive Collection modern consoles (I don’t think it’ll hold up to 2016 standards…) and to celebrate said release, Deep Silver today dropped a tribute to the original Dead Island reveal trailer which debuted five years ago at E3 2011. Whatever you may think of the game, that trailer sold just about everyone on the game, and it still holds up pretty well today, even if the game does not.

With a classical ensemble of piano, two violins, a viola and cello, the video showcasing a re-recorded version of the emotional soundtrack and filmed the musicians with no lighting but only the trailer projected on their instruments while playing.

Enjoy the emotional ride and watch the tribute here:

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Dead Island Definitive Collection is a compilation containing Dead Island Definitive Edition, Dead Island: Riptide Definitive Edition and also includes for free Dead Island Retro Revenge. It will be available at retail and digital for $39.99.

All three titles, Dead Island Definitive Edition, Dead Island: Riptide Definitive Edition, plus the compilation Dead Island Definitive Collection are scheduled for release May 31st 2016 on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Windows PC.

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