DEADPOOL Pinball from Zen Studios is coming

Zen Studios brings us another in their long line of character driven tables with their latest, DEADPOOL. This new table features the merc with a mouth and is voiced by none other than Nolan North.

Deadpool’s dynamic table switches at his whim, delivers quick-time events, and even features a “Blind Mode” courtesy of Blind Al in which only the ball, flippers and target lanes are visible. Finally, there’s Deadpool’s favorite: a mode where he takes down some of his most nefarious enemies: raging comic book fans!

But just how did this joint venture between Deadpool and Zen come about? Well, read this excerpt below and see for yourself.

After months of being badgered by Deadpool, having him deliver dozens of pizzas to my house, late night prank calls, and flaming bags of dog excrement on my doorstep, I feel like an enormous weight is being lifted off my chest,” said Mel Kirk, VP of Publishing at Zen Studios. “I’m very thrilled and excited for fans of Deadpool and Zen’s unique brand of pinball alike to have a chance to experience the character like never before. But more importantly, I’m relieved to finally be able to get some peace and quiet in my home life. There, Wade, are you happy now?!”

“Happy?!” replied Deadpool. “You’re ‘thrilled and excited,’ Mel? Jeez, pal, how much more press-release cliché can you get?! You wanna sell people on Deadpool Pinball, I’ll sell it to ‘em real quick and Marvel-like. Oh, the fanboys are gonna love this sound bite: Deadpool Pinball. ‘Nuff said.”

“Wait, who am I kidding?” Deadpool continued, completely wearing out his welcome – this is a corporate press release, for crying out loud. “It is IMPOSSIBLE to say ’nuff about Deadpool Pinball! I mean, I’m pretty sure it’s revolutionizing the industry by being the first table ever – physical or digital – to reference chimichangas. EVERY pinball table in existence should reference chimichangas. It’s a no-brainer – a pretty simple concept that’s taken the industry DECADES to adopt, and I can only assume we’ll be seeing chimichanga references in all pinball tables yet to come from now until I die – which’ll be never, since I’m pretty much impossible to kill. And did I mention the—”

“That’s enough, Wade,” interjected Kirk, saving us all. “They get the point. Let’s have Nameless Press Release Voice finish up with a few chimichanga-free lines about why your new table rocks…”

We look forward to getting our hands on this latest table because, you know, it’s better than Iron Man’s

READ:  Leaked Deadpool Test Footage

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