Dead Cells joins Games in Development on

Ready for a challenge?, the platform with the funny name, is adding Dead Cells, the game that is defining a sub-genre: the RogueVania. The game, developed by Motion Twin is now available in GOGs Games in Development program.

The game comes to the platform with its biggest update yet, The Brutal Update (available exclusively on GOG, 24 hours before everyone else gets it), adding new boss, new levels, new enemies, new tier system, and many other improvements and new features. If that’s not enough, you can buy the game with a 25% discount until November 20th.

Dead Cells is a whole new take on some gamer favourites – the illegitimate child of a modern Roguelite and an old-school Metroidvania. Interconnected levels and progressive unlocking of access to the island provide gamers with a real incentive to explore their surroundings. Add in a degree of evolution for the character and permanent weapon upgrades and you can see where Dead Cells borrows from the long line of MetroidVanias that precedes, while taking it in a new rogue-lite direction.

At the end of the day though, it’s YOUR skills as a player that matters most! Roguelites are about constantly getting better, until what was an insurmountable obstacle becomes a walk in the park. Unforgiving combat wed to the absence of any kind of safety net makes for an adrenalin pumping ride each and every run and unrivaled replayability.

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