DC Cuts Season 1 Of Swamp Thing Short

Swamp Thing

A sad day for the swamp.

You might remember that a Swamp Thing series was originally announced for DC’s DC Universe streaming service. Thankfully, it’s not getting the axe. It is, however, getting its production cut short. According to Wilmington Star News, the production of the first season will wrap after episode 10, when the season was originally supposed to be 13 episodes long.

A source told Star News that the reason behind this decision was that Warner Bros.wanted to evaluate the future of DC Universe. That said,there’s been no official word on this one way or the other, so it mght be best to take that with a grain of salt.

The decision still leaves the writers and producers scrambling to tie up the season with three fewer episodes, though. They’re apparently rewriting episode 10 to that end; unfortunately, there’s usually a cost to that when it comes to story driven shows.

Virginia Madsen, the actress playing Maria Sunderland in the series, put up, and subsequently quickly deleted, an Instagram post confirming the news:

I’m beyond sad. What a terrible decision. We have been cut to the core by those who have never set foot into the Swamp. And despite the rule I am going to use the hashtag. #swampthing.

That said, the show is still on track for its premiere on DC Universe.
Swamp Thing will premiere on May 31st this year.

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Source: IGN

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