DC Comics, DC Universe Hit By Massive Wave Of Layoffs

DC Comics

Warner looking to trim the fat, it seems.

Thing haven’t been good for DC Universe- the DC-centered streaming service launched a while back. Most of their high-profile shows have been moved to the much more content rich HBO Max. And it seems that much of the staff for the DC streaming service has been let go. And it may be that the writing is on the wall for the streaming service as a whole, given Warner’s big push for HBO Max.

But they’re far from the only ones under the DC aegis to suddenly be out of work. A number of top-level people at DC Comics proper have also been let go. Per The Hollywood Reporter:

Among those said to be losing their positions are editor-in-chief Bob Harris, senior VP of publishing strategy and support services Hank Kanalz, VP of marketing and creative services Jonah Weiland, VP global publishing initiatives and digital strategy Bobbie Chase, senior story editor Brian Cunningham, and executive editor Mark Doyle, who oversaw the rollout of the Black Label graphic novels.

They’re not the only ones from DC proper to be let go. Via the same report, roughly one third of DC’s editorial staff have been given their walking papers.

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This isn’t however, much of a surprise if you’ve been following Comics industry news. Many shops have struggled to move product, some shutting their doors due to certain mandates crushing their business model. Add on the COVID-19 crisis, and that further dings the salability of even the more in-demand books available.

Then again, you might suppose that content could account for some of this, given the fact that manga has had record sales of late.

DC Comics
DC Comics

Can’t imagine why.

Source: AV Club

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