Dark Souls III ‘To The Kingdom of Lothric’ Trailer

Dark Souls III

The Dark Souls series is a punishing one, but one that is insanely hard to put down. God only know (and Steam, I suppose) how many hours I’ve put into, but there is something that keeps drawing one back in, even after you swear you’re done with it. It’s a brutally fun game. And now we get out first look at the upcoming Dark Souls III!

In venturing North, the Pilgrims discover the truth of the Old Words… Discover in exclusivity the opening cinematic of Dark Souls 3! Yhorm the Giant, Aldrich Saint of the Deep, Farron’s Undead Legion and more await you in Lothric. Are you ready to fight them all?

Dark Souls 3 will be available on April 12th, 2016 on PC, Xbox One and PS4! You can preorder the game now over on www.darksouls3.com

Official Facebook page: www.facebook.com/darksouls/

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