D23: Moon Knight, Ms. Marvel & She-Hulk Announced

D23 is in full swing here in our neck of the woods and the announcements are pretty nice. We can now confirm that three new players are entering the Marvel Cinematic Universe with Moon Knight, She-Hulk and Ms. Marvel being announced at the show.

The three characters will be getting their own Disney+ show which makes perfect sense. Say what you will about Disney streaming, but this new service will allow Marvel to create all sorts of shows with their lower-tier characters, or characters that don’t have a long history in the comics.

Moon Knight is a personal favorite and I think a limited-run series is the best way to explore the mixed-up mental state of the character. Is he a god, does he have powers, or is it all just in his head? A series is the best way to let a story like that breathe.

She-Hulk is fairly new coming around in the early 80s and is the cousin of Bruce Banner. She is a lawyer by trade and this could set up the show for a very Law & Order sort of thing, only with a lot more smashing. It also allows Mark Ruffalo to come into the picture for some fun family cameos, depending on the timeframe the series is set in.

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Ms. Marvel is the newest character here, and one of the newest in Marvel comics to have really taken off with readers. This isn’t the Carol Danvers version of Captain Marvel, instead she’s a young girl taking up the mantle after seeing her being all super and stuff. Her powers are nowhere the level of Captain Marvel and she does her best to fight crime with some very different powers.

There’s a great mix of potential shows here from Marvel and it’s a fantastic way to slowly build an audience around these lower-tier characters before potentially investing in a huge movie. No word on if the Netflix characters will be getting new runs or if they now live in their own little pocket universe.

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