D.Va is headed to Heroes of the Storm

The recent Heroes of the Storm Genji cinematic brought a bit of news alongside the sweeping changes in Version 2.0. Overwatch’s D.Va is allegedly the next new character to join the Nexus. Which is good, ’cause she’s m’girl.

There’s no word yet on how she’ll play, though I’d imagine similar concessions will be made to keep her powerset consistent like the other Overwatch characters in the game. The news also comes with the announcement of Nexus Challenge freebies. Week 2, in particular, is all D.Va. Play five games with a friend in your party, and the Busan Police Hovercycle mount is yours in Heroes of the Storm. But that’s not all; you will also unlock D.va’s Officer D.Va Skin in Overwatch. Week 3, as well, features a slew of Officer D.Va content for Heroes of the Storm; including a spray, portrait and banner, in addition to an Overwatch Nexagon mount.

I personally can’t wait to wipe an enemy team with Self-Destruct. You know it will happen.

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