Crisis on Infinite Earths Officially Connects DC TV and Movie Universes

Crisis on Infinite Earths is nearing its end but that doesn’t mean it didn’t have one more big surprise for fans. In a move sure to delight fans, Crisis on Infinite Earths officially connected the DC TV universe with the DC movie universe.

It’s all thanks to the Speed Force that brought Ezra Miller’s Flash into contact with the CW’s Flash. The entire moment was played for laughs, something that made the whole thing even more delightful.

It’s interesting to note that Gustin’s Flash calls Miller “The Flash” when talking with him, something the movies have yet to do. Miller then asks if Gustin is a cosplayer before each reveal they are both, in fact, Barry Allen.

It’s a nice connection that fans have been craving, and one that could potentially open up a number of possibilities as both parallel universes continue forward.

The brief scene ends with Miller’s Flash saying,  “I told Victor this was possible,” referring to Victor Stone aka Cyborg from the movie universe.

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