Cool Gadgets & Gear You’ll Want To Own

There are lots of cool gadgets and gizmos out there that it’s often hard to filter through everything. That’s why we decided to bring together our top picks of cool things we’d love to have/use around the office. Let’s get started and prepare to throw money at the screen!

Air Bonsai Floating Plants

These small plants use a series of magnets to levitate in mid air. The floating bonsai uses an “energy base” to not only help keep the plant afloat, but also allows it to spin freely making it quite the talking point. You can transplant a variety of plants into the floating “little star” that holds the plant. You can choose from a moss ball or lava rock “little star” depending on your personal preference. Just remember to water the things every now and then as it’s not made of magic.

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Sitgo Portable Seat

If you spend a lot of time standing in long lines you probably often wish you could pull a seat out of your back pocket. Well, with the Sitgo you pretty much can! This slick little device is a portable stool that you can toss in nearly any mid-sized bag, or simply clip it to your belt or pack. It extends out to give you a seat when you need it most. It can be adjusted for different sizes and positions and will save your back while waiting around. As someone who spends lots of time in lines covering events, this little thing looks like a lifesaver on my back!

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Braava jet Robot Mop

We got rid of most of the carpet in my place ages ago because wood just looks so darn good and is easier to keep clean. But while I don’t have to vacuum as much, I do have to swiffer and mop  quite a bit. With the new Braava jet Robot Mop that may be a thing of the past. I’ll now be able to set this little thing on its way and forget about doing all the work. Look, I’ve got important things to do like write about more cool tech that I want!

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Huis Remote Controller

With so many devices plugged into our fancy smart televisions odds are everyone out there has at least three controllers on their coffee table. If you are like us then there is probably a tray full of the little buggers. Sony is looking to make that coffee table a little less cluttered with the new Huis Remote Controller. This digital device uses an E ink display that’s easy to see with solid battery life and lets you customize the interface to control any of your devices. Get all those remotes down to a single little device that you have full control over.

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Self Parking Chairs

If you love sitting (it’s my favorite thing to do) then these self parking chairs by Nissan look pretty awesome. Inspired by Nissan’s parking assist technology these chairs will go back to where they came from with a single clap. Sure, this seems right for abuse, but the idea of chair putting themselves away is a lovely idea. Just think of how cool it would be at the end of a long day to simply clap your hands and all the chairs put themselves away! While everything else on this list is for sale, these chairs aren’t on the market, but hopefully they will show up in offices and schools around the world soon.

We’ll see you next week for five more gadgets and gear that you’ll want to own!


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