Content Warning Is Free On Steam For A Limited Time

Content Warning

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Right now, you can nab a free game on Steam. And in the spirit of April Fool’s, it’s the unfortunately named Content Warning (which will probably confuse search engines, which will think you’re asking about Steam’s content warning system).

Content Warning is a co-op horror game for 2-4 players. You go into scary places with friends to film as much spooky stuff as you can. The more you get on film the higher your views and revenue go on Spook Tube, allowing you to buy better gear. Of course, not everything is down there just to scare you… you might not make it back alive, after all.

They said the magic words!

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All said, though, you have an incredibly small window in which to grab this game. It’s an April Fool’s Day deal, after all, and it ends at 8:00 am April 2nd. So, hop to, catch some spooky stuff on video, and make sure you don’t bite it in the Old World.

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