Conbunn Cardboard Review

We are a little late to the Conbunn Cardboard party, but it’s better late than never. The game, developed and published by Keiby, is a cute and casual 3D platformer that drops you into a world of cardboard, much in the same same way Yoshi’s Woolly World does with its wool atheistic or Paper Mario does with it, well, paper thing.

The game has you take on the role of Connie, a popular DJ that’s loved throughout the games cardboard world. At the games outset you are preparing for your big show that evening at the top of large mountain. But before you can head to the show to perform, you find out that one of your best friends has lost of your CDs that you need for your set while flying around the world.

It’s your job to collect these albums so that you can start your show that evening and bring the joy of some sick techno/house beats to the world. Conbunn Cardboard has an incredibly simple premise and lacks any action at all as this is purely a adventure platformer.

What helps set the game apart is the cardboard world that you live in and explore. Each small area is unique and feels handcrafted of cardboard, paint, and various objects from the real world. It feels like this entire universe was created by the imaginative nature of a child and it works well to give the game its own identity and makes exploration a fun experience.

Along the way to the concert you’ll be tasked with collecting 40 albums scattered across the world. You won’t need to collect all 40 in order to kick off your concert, but as we are looking for a 100% completion in the game we did just that.

Movent in Conbunn Cardboard is fluid with Connie having only a couple of abilities at her disposal. You can jump and you can dash. This will help you cover ground quickly as well as deal with environmental objects in your path. Albums are scattered across each area as well as inside mini challenge areas, that work somewhat like they would in a game like Super Mario Sunshine.

You won’t be having to deal with anything outlandish in order to collect these albums as they are all mostly out in the open, with only a couple requiring you to tackle a couple of basic jumping and timed puzzles. It’s an incredibly casual experience that doesn’t ask a lot from the player other than to simply enjoy the adventure.

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The other mechanic in play that is wholly optional is the bunny tokens that you can collect. There are 250 token in total and while they aren’t required to complete the game a 100% completion bonus is available for those of us interesting in fully completing a game. Thankfully, these token can be used during your adventure as your friendly spider girl friend will offer to sell you outfits for coins that you collect.

There are a total of five costumes that you can acquire for Connie, some of which can other come from token collecting and completing certain objectives like completing the game and collecting all the albums and tokens scattered throughout the world.

Conbunn Cardboard is a fun and relaxing little adventure that won’t challenge anyone but the most youngest of players, but that isn’t the point. The point of the game is simply to have fun exploring the world and the $6.99 cost of the game matches this. It’s a fun experience that left us wanting more of everything. More abilities, more worlds, and more characters to interact with. And if a game leaves us wanting more it must be doing something right.

Conbunn Cardboard should take you about 2 hours to complete, and probably a little less is you are moving quickly. The game does make it so that you have to complete the main quest before other sub-worlds and areas open giving you some incentive to 100% complete the game. Doing so will give you the final skin and it’s a nice reward to your exploring.

Conbunn Cardboard is a fun adventure that anyone can enjoy and anyone can complete without much trouble or issue. We just hope that Keiby can expand on this concept and create a fully realized adventure as there is an incredible amount of potential for any followup adventure in this cardboard universe.

Final Score:

Conbunn Cardboard

Release Date: Sep 1, 2023

Platform: PC (Steam)

Developer: Keiby

Publisher: Keiby

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