Competitive Animated Platform Fighter ‘Brawlout’ Hits Steam Early Access And Consoles Soon

Designed for Couch and Online Play, Brawlout Brings a Heady Mix of Platform Fighter Mechanics with an Energized Pace.

Yes, Brawlout is a Smash Bros. clone, but is that really such a bad thing? If you are going to take heavy inspiration for a game you might as well as take it from a good one. And it’s not like PlayStation fans are getting another PlayStation All-Stars or whatever the Xbox Has.

Brawlout will be launching on Early Access on April 20th and is scheduled to launch on Xbox One and PS4 later this year. Designed for couch and online play – Brawlout mixes platform fighter mechanics, with traditional fighting game moves and pace, doing away with traditional blocking and grabbing to reveal a system based on fluid movement and over the top combos.

Launching with an initial 6 fighters, Brawlout hosts up to four players in online and local battles, including ranked online tournaments, in addition to a robust single-player campaign. Each fighter will have distinct advantages, including powerful projectiles or long-range whip attacks, and can be evolved with further combo options or advanced technical moves.

Fighting also builds a player’s Rage Meter, which fuels powerful special attacks. Brawlout has been designed for both couch play and online play, with 2-4 player quick matches, ranked ladders, private lobbies and Brawlout TV for watching live matches, featured replays and for making live tournaments much easier to stream.

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Brawlout will be coming to Steam Early Access on April 20th and will retail for $19.99

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