Comic-Con 2019 – Entertainment Weekly First Look At Star Trek Picard

Make it so.

Next week’s Entertainment Weekly has a bit on the upcoming Star Trek: Picard. And we know this, because Comic-Con attendees get an advanced copy of the issue.

Entertainment Weekly

Of note in the small bit of text features are two quotes. One from Alex Kurtzman:

There are many things that haunt Picard, but you will not see a version that betrays the man we loved from ‘Next Generation’.

And another from Star Trek: Picard showrunner Michael Chabon:

The quality of Patrick’s acting has gotten even better. He can hold you riveted even when he’s just sitting and listening.

Thankfully, this isn’t all Comic-Con has on the show. There will be a CBS Star Trek Universe panel this Saturday. It’s safe to say they’ll have much more for everyone then.

Source: TrekMovie

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