Comcast Investigating Service Rep Who Refused To Cancel Service


We all have some sort of horror story that involves trying to cancel a serve. In most cases these can come down to situations dealing with your local cable provider when you either want to switch or are moving locations.

More often that not these cases get passes around at the local water-cooler, but in this situation we have a recording of a customer trying (to little avail) to cancel their cable service from Comcast.

What’s even better is that the person trying to cancel the service is a renowned tech journalist by the name of Ryan Block. Those in the tech world will know that name as he was a former Editor-in-Chief over at Engadget, so the man knows his way around.

The Comcast representative goes well above and beyond to try and force (read that: FORCE) Mr. Block into staying with Comcast. The tactic may be more common than one might expect, relying on the idea that the customer will relent and stay in their contract out of convenience.

Cases like these seem to be popping up more and more over the years as people become more tech savvy and capture the audio like was done in this case. Comcast has since come out condemning the actions of said representative (No shock there), but this does bring to light many concerns people have and sheds a whole new light on the upcoming Comcast merger.

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You can listen to the exchange below. The almost 9 minute clip starts  about 10 minutes into the call after Block’s wife (TV/radio personality Veronica Belmont) become so frustrated with the representative that she could no longer deal with the mans insane level of bullshit. I have to commend Mr. Block for keeping his cool throughout the exchange.


You tell them Gandolf!

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