Like Klingons, they must do the honorable thing.
CollectorVision walked away from the Coleco Chameleon debacle with egg on their face, lamentably. And in an attempt to get what they wanted out of the Chameleon, as well as right what wronged the retro community, they have something planned. They’re going to do their own Colecovision, and they’re going to do it right.
Enter the Colecovision HD System:

And, as they’ve so kindly shown, the PCB for their upcoming box is not made from cardboard. Or a PCI capture card. As a matter of fact, it’ll have all of the things they wanted out of the Chameleon.
It’s FPGA, and compatible with all original Colecovision , Megacart, WaferCart & SuperGame cartridges. And, because it’s actually important to CollectorVision as well as many other small development teams and hobbyists, it has an SD card slot, both for firmware updates, and rom loading (specifically for the homebrew scene; they don’t condone piracy).
As for when their box will be out, well, that’s in the air. The crowdfunding campaign will start “soon”. But you can still head over to CollectorVision’s page for the Colecovision HD to get a gander at the proposed specs and features.