Classic Dreamcast future sport title ‘TrickStyle’ coming to Steam this month

TrickStyle Steam

What a weird time to be alive. TrickStyle takes me way back as it was one of the only titles I had on the Dreamcast for quite some time. It wasn’t the greatest game so it’s crazy to see it pop up again thanks to Throwback Entertainment.

And you know what? I’m okay with all this retro love. So often we get reboots and HD remakes of the top tier titles we all remember, but never really those middling titles that were still good fun. I like what Throwback Entertainment is doing  and I hope the bring back more titles.


Set in the year 2099, where the world is emerging from the ashes of The Dominance War, the TrickStyle Hoverboard competition is the be-all, end-all of fame and fortune. Surf through the air, show your stuff, and win eternal glory with your off-the-chain skills.

TrickStyle includes:

  • 400 tricks to master with special moves for all nine characters!
  • Futuristic cityscapes for: Manhattan, London and Tokyo.
  • Sessions at The Velodrome teach you the mad skills.

I need to dust off the Dreamcast and see if this game still holds like it does in my mind, but regardless of that, it’s on my “I’m Interested” list. TrickStyle will be coming to the Steam Store on February 21st, 2017.

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You can check out the classic trailer for the game below:

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