Civil Servant’s Porn Addiction Fills Government Network With Malware

Civil Servant

There’s one in every group.

Investigators have found  that a U.S. civil servant’s love of porn has filled a government network with malware. An audit carried out by the U.S. Department of the Interior’s inspector general found that a USGS (U.S. Geological Survey) network at the EROS Center in South Dakota had been infected by malware. The trail led to the culprit; a civil servant that really liked porn. A lot. The investigation found that this unnamed employee had visited thousands of porn pages littered with malware on his work station. The malware then exploited the USGS network. The investigation found that the employee transferred a number of these porn images to a USB drive and his Android cell phone, which was also full of malware.

The inspector general suggested that the USGS utilize a “strong blacklist policy” for unauthorized websites to avoid having this happen again. In addition, it was also suggested that they close USB access on their various workstations.

On the plus side, the EROS Center doesn’t run any classified networks. It’s mostly data regarding the Earth’s surface. But hey, maybe just let everyone know, in no uncertain terms, that maybe they shouldn’t be jacking off during work hours. Might be prudent. Then again, it is the EROS Center.

READ:  19-Year-Old WinRAR Bug Being Used To Install Malware
Source: TechCrunch

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