Check out these Street Fighter V Guile screenshots

Guile Street Fighter V

Street Fighter V has had a bit of a rocky start, but things seem to be now coming along nicely for the fighter. I have yet to get my hands on the title (waiting for the Super Hyper Alpha EX Arcade Championship Edition to come out first) and give it the once over, I do notice that the roster is pretty light.

Capcom seems to be fixing this by releases characters on a regular basis into the game, which to be honest makes a lot of sense. This keeps the content fresh and doesn’t allow top-tier players to gain a mastery over all the characters in the game straight away.

Next up on the character release is Guile. While Street Fighter has been the story of Ryu and his sidekick Ken taking on Bison and his minions, things have been slowing changing as the games evolved. After the original animated film, and the live-action one staring Kicky McKickerson, the focus was shifted onto Guile.

I’ll let Capcom themselves explain what’s going on with our funny haired friend,

In Street Fighter IV, Guile’s search for Nash continues as his body was never recovered, and while unsuccessful in finding him, he does run into French MMA fighter Abel who is familiar with Guile’s fighting style. Guile knowing that Nash is the only other fighter that uses Sonic Booms presses Abel for more answers but is unable to get any new information..

It’s a nice nod to Abel from Street Fighter 4, even though that game takes place after Street Fighter 5? I don’t know, the timeline here is getting as messy as the Zelda one. Anyways, let’s take a look at Guile’s overview.

In Street Fighter V, Guile retains his ability to dominate both the ground and air with his solid normal attacks and special moves, such as Sonic Boom and Somersault Kick. He also now has the ability to enter a crouch walk state called Faultless Move which allows him to keep his charge while moving forward, giving him even more options in his kit to keep his opponents in line. Guile is a great choice for those of you who are looking for a charge character who can easily control the pace of the match.

V-Skill: Sonic Blade

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Guile spins up sonic energy to create a Sonic Blade which acts as a stationary projectile that can also juice up his Sonic Booms. Sonic Blade can really help Guile pressure opponents on their wake-up or help him win projectile battles as it increases Sonic Boom durability!

V-Trigger: Solid Puncher

Guile powers up and tosses out continuous Sonic Booms! Each button throws a Sonic Boom at a different speed, so mixing up between buttons can create interesting Sonic Boom sequences. Depending on the sequence used, this can act as a great combo extender, be used to overwhelm opponents or easily push his opponents to the corner.

Critical Art: Sonic Hurricane

Guile’s most devastating attack, the Sonic Hurricane! Guile powers up and hits his opponent with a massive, multi-hit Sonic Boom. This Critical Art receives a damage and range boost while his V-Trigger is active.


We’re also excited to announce our first DLC stage, which is a classic that you all know and love: Guile’s Air Force Base! The jet receives a new coat of paint and you’ll probably recognize some familiar faces cheering you on in the background. This stage will be available in the Shop for 70,000FM. Season Pass holders will receive this stage for free as a thank you for supporting Street Fighter V.

Guile will be available for free later this month to all players until the Zenny shop launches and will receive his own set of Trials and Character Story.


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