Check out 8 minutes of gameplay from Prey

Take a tour of Talos I and discover more secrets in the newest gameplay video and when Prey releases on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in 2017.

This gameplay walkthrough is really cool, and shows off a little of what we can expect from the game next year. Powers. Tools. Weapons. Aliens. And a massive space station. In signature style, Arkane Studios’ sci-fi thriller blends simulation and narration, dropping you into a carefully crafted world, then setting you free to play as you want.

Watch almost nine minutes of pure Prey gameplay, with some light narration from Creative Director Raphael Colantonio and Lead Designer Ricardo Bare.

While I do sort of miss the idea of what the orginal Prey 2 was supposed to be, this new take on the Prey name does have me pretty excited.

Prey will launch in 2017 on PS4, Xbox One and PC.

For more on Prey, follow the game on Facebook:

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