Check out 10 waves of Gears of War 4 Horde mode

Gears of War 4 Horde mode was shown off over the weekend during PAX West. Now that PAX is over we are getting more footage from the presentation in case you weren’t in attendance.

IGN has some new video footage up taking us through 10 waves of Horde Mode. There was only one map shown off during the show, but it’s a great example of what we can expect from horde mode.

The biggest addition to the mode is the new Fabricator that serves as a sort of 3D printer for goodies. You can spend points earned during battle to buy all sorts of weapons and tools to help you out. You can also move the Fabricator to position it better during various rushes.

Check out the video below:

All I know is that Gears 4 is a departure from the series if only for the fact that these characters have necks! Gears of War 4 drops on October 11 for Xbox One and PC. October is going to be a crazy month!

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