Channing Tatum cast as Gambit, ovaries explode nationwide

Channing Tatum has made no secret of his desire to play Remy Labeau, aka Gambit, in future X-Men movies. Fun fact: we called our site GAMbIT because we’re all so notoriously good-looking. At the premiere of X-Men: Days of Future Past premiere, producer Laura Shuler Donner had this to say to TotalFilm:

DONNER: X-Force is fascinating. It allows us to be a little grittier. And, uh…Gambit.

INTERVIEWER: Oh, nice, Gambit as well. What kind of an actor are you looking at for, for Gambit, because I know Channing Tatum is very interested.

DONNER: It is Channing, yes.

INTERVIEWER: So that’s confirmed.



No word yet on how Gambit will be retooled to use kinetic breakdancing instead of throwing kinetically powered playing cards. And since director Bryan Singer has also said he wants to introduce Kurt Wagner, aka Nightcrawler, that probably means someone like Taylor Lautner will be brough into the fold.

The video from TotalFilm is embedded below.

I’m actually okay with this. Tatum impressed the hell out of me in 21 Jump Street, his appearance in This Is The End showed a level of self-awareness I didn’t know he had, and his brief screentime in Public Enemies shows that he has decent dramatic chops.

READ:  Movie review: "X-Men: Days of Future Past"


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