CES 2025: AtmosGear Brings The 90s Back With The World’s First Electric Rollerblades

Pink and white electric inline skate with three blue wheels displayed on a gray background.

Have you ever dreamed of skating so fast it feels like flying?

Since 2022, AtmosGear is the French startup that has been revolutionizing the rollerblading industry. Bringing together some of the best engineers and skaters the team has created the world’s first electric rollerblades.

These rollerblades have been designed for sports, leisure and daily commuting. The company has created a universal kit that can electrify any pair of skates and propel you at speeds of up to 18mph with 16 miles of range.

Inspired by the electric skates featured in the Japanese anime Air Gear in 2009, the company founder decided to become an engineer in order to bring his childhood dream to life. And now, after a decade of work, AtmosGear was born!

Skate Features:


You control the Atmos skates using a wireless remote to accelerate, decelerate, and brake with a simple thumb movement. When you release the trigger, the motor switches automatically to freewheel mode, letting you skate naturally. You can also activate reverse mode and check the battery levels using the indicator lights on the remote.


AtmosGear has designed the world’s smallest and most powerful motor, directly integrated into a 110mm inline skate wheel. It provides enough torque to climb a 15° slope and support over 220 lbs. With just one motor per frame (center wheel) and an interchangeable rubber to prevent wear (90A hardness), our motor is waterproof and weighs less than 1.5lbs.

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The battery was previously integrated into the frames. But it was so heavy and bulky that skaters hated it. We decided to move it into a removable fannypack to lighten our skate, which now weighs only 3lbs. This major update also allowed us to make our skates hybrid.


Our frames are compatible with all boots, regardless of the brand. They feature 165 mm and 195 mm mounting, with included adapters for UFS and Trinity Mount. Developed based on a Freeskate frame with 3x110mm wheels and a 243mm wheelbase. Only the center wheel is motorized to provide unmatched
lightness, maneuverability and performance!

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