CES 2019: The BreadBot lets you get that bread

You might be thinking how bread can be smart, and outside of sticking a bluetooth sensor inside your loaf so you know when it goes bad (I just made that up so don’t steal my idea!) bread is simply bread.

But how you make the bread can be messed with thanks to technology. Wilkinson Baking Co. showed off their BreadBot machine that makes that bread with no baker needed. Yay for taking away jobs from humans!

Joking aside, the piece of kit is pretty cool and still needs a human to throw all the ingredients into the big old mixing container. But aside from that this machine can bake 10 loaves of bread every hour.

And before you laugh away the idea of a bread making machine, there are currently a number of supermarkets testing out the machines. The one silly thing you’d figure was a prototype on the floor is actually already out there giving people their bread

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