CellRobot Lets You Create The Robot You Want

KEYi Technology (http://cells.io) introduced the CellRobot– the first modular robot with practical functions at CES last week, and what we saw was pretty impressive. Just like the cells in our bodies work together to create life and function, CellRobot is made up of individual robotic cells that can be assembled to form practical and functional robots. At the core of the robot, lies a HEART, which communicates with the other frame/muscle cells that are connected to it.

Inside each CELL, there is a servo motor, a sensor and an independent MCU (Microprogrammed Control Unit). Once connected to the heart using easy-to-connect snap joints, each cell can be directed to move in any direction and angle desired. CellRobot is planning to hit the market in Q2 of 2016 and will be sold in sets of 2, 4, 8 and 12, and can be configured in any way. Additionally, there will also be functional cells (called x-cells) for things like: spotlights, wheels, connectors and cameras. We liked the setup that mixed our drinks!

Bartender, pour me another!

CellRobot will launch with its own supporting mobile application (that works with iOS and Android based phones). The app will have two modes: GUIDE mode and CUSTOM mode. The guide mode directs users on how to assemble different robots and helps to check whether they’ve done it correctly. The custom mode allows users to create any shape or movements they want. Irrespective of mode, the app immediately recognizes what has been created and shows a 3D visualization of it through the app.

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The app will also include a shape library for an initial set of ideas on what to create. The shape library will expand over time as the community adds new configurations, ideas, and experiments into it. Once a robot is setup, it can then be controlled using the app. The robots can be assembled and disassembled rapidly and with ease. CellRobot will also be offering an open platform to enable other technology providers to develop applications and new types of x-cells on top of the CellRobot solution.

About Author

J. Luis

J. Luis is the current Editor-In-Chief here at GAMbIT. With a background in investigative journalism his work encompasses the pop-culture spectrum here, but he also works in the political spectrum for other organizations.

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